Saturday, June 18, 2005

What is wrong with you ?

That is the line I dread to hear.

I dont know about you other men folks in this group, but I have been seeing a pattern in the complaints my wife has. They are in 3 levels.

1. Low level: Small things. Things one tends to gloss over, if one were a red-blooded scratch-in-the-morning man. Such as : "Do you know how much hair found on the bathroom floor? And not all of it comes from your head. ITS DISGUSTING!! Go clean it all up." or "If you wash you face in the bathroom sink, wash ONLY your face, NOT THE ENTIRE SINK. I go in after you, and there is a big puddle where I stand. CLEAN IT UP" Or the ubiquitous "Why do you leave the seat up? One of these days I am going to fall in when I dont see that the seat is up!"

2. Mid-level: You did not see the bangs I had. Do these pants go with the shirt? Tell me, and if you are wrong, it will be on your head. Its cold out, and you never even bothered to tell me it was cold out before we left, so I could have asked you to pick my jacket up. I dont even have a decent jacket, and you are dressed for a walk down 5th avenue. When did we buy this skirt ?

3. High-level: Topics in this category are THE MOST incendiary in nature, quick to set fire to things. I usually fall prey to this. "Your parents are in madras, and it has been 2 days, and they have not called my parents". And the latest one "You took the tupperware from the tupperware cabinet, and did not even bother to look that they were arranged in a proper order. You just grabbed it, and let them all fall down. 30 minutes of my work"... and the list keeps growing...

I am just loving it. And we are not even living together. I am going to keep a living document that documents all this. In 1 year, I shall have enough to publish.

If y'all men could write a little bit of your experiences, if your spouses shall let you share i.e., it will be appreciated.

Y'all have a nice day now.

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