Thursday, January 12, 2006
Addendum: The Punchline
We got back the laptop fine. Thank the lord. But there were a few items missing.
Saru realized the Kola maavu (Muggu pindi) was missing. It was in the laptop bag, cause I put it there in the last minute rush to get into the cab. We think the cabbies took it thinking it was cocaine. I wish I were a fly on the wall when they try to snort or shoot the thing. Just curious, does Calcium Carbonate act like a drug at all ?
Also missing were Traveller's checks for 250 Euros. Saru and Vamsee promptly cancelled it, and they are getting their money back. In all, we didnt lose anything, save those 36 hours. But there too, we got ahead since it had you good people glued to the site.
The Spanish Inquisition-Seville-Part 3
We used to think when we were in
Well, we are here to tell you friends that they are no better in
First stop, the "Lost and Found" department. They met the guard at the gate, who would not let them in unless they told him their case. This was a recurring event everywhere they went. The guard seems to be like the peon in our sirkar offices. Next problem, no one spoke English (and I had the phrase book to battle the cab drivers). They found one sympathetic lady called Lucia, who spoke a little bit and she helped them. They hit an obstacle when they could not recollect their address in
So these 2 went to an internet center to check their hotmail account. Smart people that the women folk are, they had emailed themselves all the details in case we needed it later!! Saru also needed to email his lawyer to ask her to send him the duplicate H1B documents. However, the internet center was still closed at
Now the police.
So Saru and Kala ran and arrived breathless at the cab police station before the siesta began there. They even managed to get a cop to listen to their case. But after listening to their story, the cop told them this: "Sorry. Everyone is asleep here. Please come back Tuesday". Turns out it was a Friday and these people don't work weekends, then the 1st day of the new year's. To make matters worse, we were leaving in 2 days (Sunday) to
Again, they hurried to get to this one last station. Here, they finally got an interpreter who talked to them: from
Back at the airport, things were beginning to warm up. My contacts among the cabbies kept growing. I was introduced to Jesus (Pronounced Hey Soos) by Pasqual (the tall cabby from Episode 2 earlier). He did not look like a cab driver. Swanky clothes and haircut, he looked straight out of a GQ magazine. He spoke better English and, best of all, he claimed he knew the president of the cab driver "Syndical"- a certain Senor Juan Carlos. The name of "Senor Juan Carlos" was taken almost in reverence. I understood it to be a union thing. I introduced Vamsee to this guy as well, and she found him very handsome. Vamsee and I did not let up the cab patrol at all. Even while talking to the cabbies, we kept one eye on the cab lineup. Then, out of the blue, I spot this one driver, who seemed very familiar. Stealing glances at him, it struck me that this short stocky guy was the driver of a cab that was behind us in the lineup the previous night. He had gotten out of his cab when we were haggling with our driver about the cab fare and had tried to intervene on the driver's behalf. He was driving a Benz, and that's what Vamsee remembered. With two independent confirmations, we knew we had a break. We noted down the cab number and the license plate number. I immediately ran to get Raoul, the policeman and told him the news. Vamsee went to Pasqual. Soon thereafter, I ran into Jesus and I told him. I also informed him that we had informed the police as well. Pasqual and Jesus assured us that they will look into it. We saw them conferring thereafter.
Vamsee and I knew something was brewing. Within half hour, they said there is a good chance we will be getting our documents back (NOT THE LAPTOP). That was exciting news indeed. I even met the elusive Senor Juan Carlos, who assured us that we will get the documents either that evening or the next morning. Then, everyone asked us to go home. Again and again, they requested we go home and rest. Something did not seem right. We could not go anywhere until Saru and Kala came back anyway. So we stayed put.
The mood was distinctly upbeat at this point. It looked as though every cabby knew we were going to get the documents back, and they all urged us to go home. Vamsee and I decided we needed to look relaxed and still look for the cabbie. Just to make sure nerves were not frayed, I told every cabbie I met that we were waiting for our spouses. I forgot to mention that Raoul, during the course of a conversation, asked me where my boyfriend was. After a few fervent translation attempts by the rental car lady, I realized he was asking about Saru! I quickly gave him all the spousal details. He did not make that mistake again.
As if on cue, Saru and Kala joined us at this point at
An interesting side note is that Raoul had this driver's mobile number, and was talking to the guy intermittently while talking to Vamsee. He was evidently talking to a middleman. Somewhere around this time, Vamsee dropped the bombshell that we had a police case filed with the National Police. Kala came up with a good idea to tell them that it is law to file a National Police complaint, whenever visa documents and passports are lost. That changed the tone of the proceedings as well. Raoul's phone conversation with the middleman was becoming more and more animated. When things were not working out, Raoul threw a tantrum and said that "Now its personal", and that he would get the laptop back fat any cost. It was all a freakin soap-opera, I tell you.
After that Juan Carlos and Raoul went away promising to look into the laptop deal. We decided to stay put and hunt for the driver. 3 hours went by, and there was still no news. Vamsee had the car rental lady call Juan Carlos. Within 10 minutes, Juan Carlos came to meet us, seething with fury. We had obviously interrupted something. He said "You go home. Come tomorrow
We caught a cab from the 3-women poster stand. This time, we did not even ask to go to the airport. The cab driver recognized us and took us there. 8.30am, we entered the arrivals area, and were immediately accosted by Raoul. He took us to the car rental lady and was talking when I saw a familiar face walk toward me. IT WAS THAT @#%@#& CAB DRIVER we were hunting for the past 36 hours. He showed up right in front of me. I called Raoul, who now had the driver translated as well. Turns out the driver had a day off the previous day. Otherwise, we would have gotten our laptop back earlier. We still had not seen the laptop at this point, and none of us believed a word.
Raoul and the driver asked us to come with them to the cab stand. We knew that we'd be outnumbered by the cabbies if we went there. Saru and I despised that place. We stayed put, and had these 2 guys come meet us at the airport- in public view. 5 minutes later, they come out of the cab station, the driver carrying the laptop bag. Saru was literally jumping up and down in glee.
The driver handed me the laptop, while still talking in Spanish. I understood a little bit, and I said "Gracias Senor.", and handed the bag over to Saru. Man was I glad to be rid of it finally! The driver disappeared soon thereafter. As we were all walking back to the terminal, I kept asking Raoul "How??? How Raoul, How??" He just smiled, and said " Now go. You and your esposa and friends go see
I said "Ok."., and then asked him if we needed to pay anyone. We were surprised to learn we didn't need to. We then asked him to thank Senor Juan Carlos, Jesus and Pasqual for us.
We had a good celebratory cup of coffee (and tea for Kala), and left the airport for sightseeing. Our official sightseeing in
Not to sound clichéd, but if this is not a perfect "Alls' well that end's well", I don't know what is.
After all this, we still cannot come up with a good hypothesis why we got everything back, without having to pay single Euro. Maybe it was our sad faces that haunted them. Maybe we were cramping their style by hanging out by their place of work, maybe Raoul was our guardian angel, maybe they realized we were suh poor people we wont have any money to pay them...
If you have any, we'd love to hear it.
Monday, January 09, 2006
The Spanish Inquisition-Seville-Part 2
So you guys think we are making this up ? Ok read on.
December 29th,
Now that that was settled, Saru and I went outside and started patrolling the taxi stand for the driver. Seeing these suspicious-looking guys loitering about the gates, a few cab drivers started giving us the stink-eye. Some ventured to ask us what we were looking for. We told him, in broken Spanish and a lot of dumb charades that we had lost the laptop. We used the letter
Meanwhile, Vamsee and Kala were patrolling the Lost and Found offices inside, and talking to the airport services people. There were a couple of nice people in the airport services office who called quite a few taxicab companies. It slowly dawned on us that the cabs were either owned by a particular cab company or privately-held. Slowly, Vamsee remembered that the cab in question was privately-held. The longer the night dragged on, the more despondent we all got. The driver was not showing up, and neither were the other cab drivers of any help to us. We knew a few of the cabbies by face. A few of them seemed sympathetic. All said the same thing: The laptop may very well have been taken by the next passenger, as it was left in the backseat. The driver hardly looks there.
We take the cab by the 3 pretty ladies poster again to the airport. The cab driver is by now familiar with us. We reach the airport by
After 1 ½ hours of this, we finally met Pasqual. He was this gigantic pillar of a cab driver. He spoke some English. His stature seemed to be as that of Rajnikant in Basha. He seemed to sympathize with us. He advised us to go to the Police department in
Saru came up with a good strategy. He and Kala would go to the police department. Vamsee and I would stay behind and try and nab the cab driver. We would leave each other messages on Vamsee's voice mail every 2 hours. Saru and Kala left for
Little did we realize that this was going to be one hell of a long day. Saru and Kala's one little police department trip became a full 8 hour ordeal...
Sunday, January 08, 2006
The Spanish Inquisition-Seville-Part 1
Here goes... (Hope you guys have the patience to sit through it. Stay with me, I shall take you on a roller-coaster ride)...
The Spanish Inquisition-Seville1-Part 1
After the hugs and handshakes, we had to get to the apartment. There were 6 suitcases, 4 backpacks and Saru's laptop, for the 4 of us. It looked like we had emptied our apartments/houses to come to
Just like in
Now, Bhaskar & Kala's accounts of the unfolding events:
The driver drove all over the city, through some pretty shady areas for over half hour. We could not find any of the roads on the map we had. He stopped once right along the highway, thinking the radiator was overheating, all the time talking on the cell phone. Things looked quite out of the ordinary. He then pulled up in front of this old building, and was hurrying us along to get out of the car. We figured he wanted to get his car fixed as soon as possible. Isn't it interesting that when one hurries, everyone around them does too? To make matters worse, he was speaking Spanish, and we were speaking English. Imagine this, he was speaking Spanish, and at the same time dumping all our baggage on the sidewalk. While Kala was counting out the money, he grabbed it, got into his cab and drove off. We were left wondering if that was that scary a neighborhood. Didn't seem it like it though. Kids were playing soccer on the sidewalks. I did notice however, that one of the kids had a ponytail, that was yellow. The rest of his head was black. As the cab was driving off is when it hit us that the laptop got left behind in the cab! For a minute, we looked at each other when reality hit us like a ton of bricks. We lost Saru's laptop in one stupid split second!!! That cab driver was hurrying us for a reason. He wanted to disorient us, then trick us. It was pointless on our part to read a map, when half the streets did not exist on the map we had. We realized later that the map did not even cover the suburbs!!
That's when we freaked out. Kala, with her squeaky voice was on the verge of a total breakdown. Pepe, the 75-year old toothless landlord of the apartment, had already come down to meet us. He did not speak a word of English. While Bhaskar tried to explain to him that the laptop's gone, Pepe tried different people on the phone. Its evident he did not know who to call. Kala then tried to get him to call the police, but she could barely speak, since she had a nasty cold. Exasperated, Pepe then called this nice lady called
Meanwhile Saru and Vamsee had taken the bus, and then walked the last 1 km to get to the apartment. Hand in hand, like new lovers, they finally arrived an hour and half after they had left the airport. Bhaskar went down to the street to meet them. Saru, seeing how distressed Bhaskar seemed, commented that he looked as though he had lost something. That's when Bhaskar broke the news to them. Surprisingly, they were both calm while he explained the theft. All Saru said was "Oh man! I had my H1 documents in that bag". He had kept all the documentation he needed to get back into US in the laptop bag, and we had lost it. The four of us went to meet Elizabeth, who explained to us that our best bet was that the cab driver was honest enough to return the laptop. And that we might find him in the airport.
It was the 29th of December. New year's was round the corner, and so was the weekend.
Bhaskar was already freaked out since it was his responsibility to keep the laptop, Kala could barely talk, Vamsee has already made up her mind that we wont get any of the stuff back, and Saru held out some hope.
What happened next stumped us. We are still struggling to explain the strange sequence of events thereafter.
Coming soon!